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About Williams River Honey

Australian family owned honey business based in the Hunter Valley NSW.


Our Business
Barrier system... can have a wide interp

We began playing with bees years ago. We extracted honey from a small number of hives in our backyard. The honey tasted good, we wanted more.

Our family and friends were asking for more too, so we decided to start a small business to grow our passion on the side of full time family and two other careers.

Both the family and the careers are still  part of our lives, the bees however, have gained momentum. We have managed to purchase our own bee truck, a second hand and sturdy honey extractor and along the way gained invaluable beekeeping experience from accredited national training and great professional relationships.

Sam Giggins
Pretty exciting week on the Almonds in t

Sam is the driving force behind the initial passion for bees and honey. Sam has aspirations to grow the business into a full scale commercial enterprise...One day!

You might have seen him around the Tocal Paterson Campus training beekeeping courses as a contractor to the DPI.

Bianca Giggins
wife working her bees. 🐝🤘🏻.jpg

Bianca's love for bees started with the completion of her beekeeping Certificate III at Tocal back in 2015. Drawing on her previous job roles Bianca is dipping her toes in the working world once again as the bookkeeper for the business whilst sharing her precious time between business management and running their household of three children. 

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